For the kids, of course, fok the grown ups.
Is very hard to give them some in a way they will listen. My parents were constantly giving me advises like:
- Don’t watch that much TV you will fok up your eyes and your back and body (as you are on the couch). Eyes, for some irony, are great. The rest is a bit messed up. And it is in pain now, ah, not when you are under 20 though.
- Read some books or go play. Not so sure about the books, some science stuff yes, but can’t know it all. Fiction books, only a few authors I like so. Play is important, playing keeps your body active. And this is important, just good luck teaching a bigger kid.
- Be a nice person, don’t go into fights, etc. A lot of these are…Well how exactly do you teach them. You tell them everything they do wrong but this is according to you at the end of the day. And so many people are fokt in the head that just good luck basically.
So is hard, very hard. Was watching a bit of Eurovision…Yes, I know, amazing singing and performances, totally not gay. So you see some dudes with very tight pants only dancing around a rather old plastic surgery princes. They even did the split with these tights that really confused me as my nuts will have to be in my ass to do this. Kids were watching as well so I tried to explain that this is the future they have…In a way, this is what you deserve for all the trash you are making, but in reality makes you sad.
And I remember in my university they were constantly saying – the future leaders of the region. I was in an American university in an ex communistic country, so the propaganda must be strong. I say it very often these days when I see…A good percentage of the people.
Bottom line, is very hard to give advises and I don’t do much. You will learn it all, all I care is you are alive and protected until you get some experience. How can you give any advise anyway…Don’t be a lesbian…Why? I seen THE movies. Don’t work in a fast food restaurant…Why? If you happy do whatever you want, don’t care, as long as you don’t hurt people.