Age and thinking

There a few stages in life that define how you think.

Small kid – everyone tells you what is what, you have no idea just listen.

Bigger kid – start learning stuff already, have an opinion, etc.

Some age later – you think you know a lot. Eventually you understand there are other smart people as well. Eventually everything is relevant.

Then you get old – and all goes mental.

Is like kid again, but you no longer a kid. And everyone expects you to be smart. Super sad, as when you are a kid people accept you. When you old just fok off, don’t shit yourself in front of me.

Same for thinking. For most people you don’t care, just parents is weird. As you are trying to help but same as with small kids…Just they think they still know it all.

Life is weird for humans. Animals be fok off, go die somewhere, leave them behind, some other animal eats you…Humans no though, we try to keep each other FOREVER.

So thinking is weird through ages.