Love the kids

Calm down, religious person, not talking about this.

I love my kids.

Only mine, the rest are cool and stuff but you only look at them as people or noise producers. Biggest mistake one can do is to prejudge someone smaller by thinking – ah you little shit you still don’t know anything, you will see. See what exactly though? How you go to an office to work for something you don’t even know what it is. How you sit in traffic to get there and back, listen to random people all day long. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves is what I am saying.

And the biggest irony is kids are having the most fun in life. Them and old people, retired I mean, but a big difference there – kids can actually enjoy taking a shit. So basically kids are the only ones actually living their lifes. Go to preschool, kick a ball, climb a tree, hurt itself, cry a bit, laugh a bit after…All the little stuff. This never comes back.

What you get after?

Teenagers – good luck, pimples, girls bleeding is much fun I hear, dress up like shit, listen to crap music…Rubbish.

University – have to go study, very often stuff you don’t even like, have no money to do anything fun, drink like a pirate…Rubbish.

Then you work all your life, eventually retire. But can’t take a shit.

So love your kids or at least let them have fun.